Dry Bones has been supported by all of you for 11 1/2 years now.  We are sincerely thankful.

As a non-profit ministry, it has been quite the adventure to continuously depend on God’s provision in so many different ways. He has taken care of Dry Bones through generous gifts of $20 here and $500 there; hot meals for huge groups and family meals for ten. Some of you give monthly, others annually, and some have given one-time. This beautiful “thing called Dry Bones” is possible because you believe in what is going on here and you give generously. Wow. Thank you.

People give in so many different forms! Just yesterday, I found myself sitting in my office with an 11 year old girl who said, “I want to help out in some way. I’ve been keeping a notebook of ideas and wondered if I could share them with you?”

I, of course, said, “Yes!”

Sarah hitched a ride from her mom and dad and came over to the Dry Bones office. We sat together as she read a well organized “business/service plan,” for lack of better terms. She dreams of our friends on the streets never having to worry about food.  Her heart is especially tender for the youngest of kids that we know; usually babies and toddlers of our teen and young adult friends.

Sarah asked question after question.  She is absolutely set on researching, learning, and then fulfilling just the right need in the best way.

One of her final questions was, “How long has Dry Bones been around?”

I looked at her and asked, “How old are you? In fact, what is your birthday?”

She said that she was born on November 8, 2001.  I responded with, “Wow. You and Dry Bones are the exact same age. We began Dry Bones on November 1, 2001.”

Sarah became an image to me of the actual age of Dry Bones. When Dry Bones began, Sarah completely relied on her parents for everything.  Now, at the age of 11 1/2, Sarah has developed a heart that breaks, responds, and longs to serve.

As I listened to her read her notes, I couldn’t help but think of the hundreds of you who have been so much like her over these past dozen years. You hear the stories of our friends. You meet them. You live near and far from Denver. Your heart is, like Sarah’s, broken for those who need family, friendship, something to eat, and a deep connection to the larger Story.

So, thank you. We are inspired by those of you who believe in this beautiful “thing called Dry Bones.” Please keep it up! We sure do need you! (After all, you wouldn’t leave an 11 year old alone, would you?)

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