by Katie Coldwell
Dry Bones Board President
Spring is one of my favorite seasons. Warmer temperatures, longer days, rain showers, and sunshine. But one of the things I love the most is seeing the slow progression back to life. Areas of my yard that had been vacant, dead, or covered in decaying leaves are displaced by new growth as it slowly comes alive. Bulbs that have been in the ground since November produce green shoots and then vibrant blooms. Areas that had been dead come to life. Not through my doing, but because life is in their nature. This is what they were meant to do.
Though forgotten through the cold winter, daffodils show up with yellow blooms, iris with their purple delicate petals, and tulips in dazzling color. I love it!
Isn’t that how life can be as well? Dreams that have lain dormant for months or years are sparked to life. Reconciliation forges new growth. God takes the parts that were decaying and causes new life and hope to emerge. I see it in my life. I see it in the lives of our friends on the streets. Sometimes the growth is slow—some hearts are buried deep. But I know that in God, life prevails.