Unmasking True Belonging: Embracing Our Authentic Selves with Compassion

By Tami Bonner


In a world where social media filters and carefully curated personas dominate our online presence, the concept of belonging can often become clouded by the desire to fit into a mold that society has deemed acceptable. But what if true belonging isn’t about conforming to those molds? What if it’s about shedding the masks we wear and embracing our authentic selves?

This year, as Dry Bones prepares to host its masquerade fundraising gala, the theme of belonging takes center stage. But this isn’t just any kind of belonging; it’s the kind that goes beyond appearances and delves deep into our hearts and souls. It’s about the courage to step out from behind the masks we wear every day and stand in our truth, unapologetically.

At first glance, a masquerade might seem counterintuitive as a setting for exploring true belonging. After all, masquerades are synonymous with disguises and façades. But beneath the surface, the metaphor holds powerful meaning. The masks we put on for a masquerade mirror the masks we put on in our everyday lives. They’re the barriers we erect to shield our vulnerabilities and fears from the world.

Just as the attendees of the gala will don masks for a night of mystery and intrigue, we too often put on masks to navigate the complexities of our lives. We might wear the mask of success, popularity, or even invulnerability, fearing that if we reveal our true selves, we might be rejected or ridiculed. Yet, this very fear prevents us from experiencing the deep connection and genuine
belonging we so crave.

The journey towards true belonging requires introspection and vulnerability. It’s about acknowledging that the masks we wear aren’t a true representation of who we are. It’s the understanding that true belonging is found not in fitting in, but in embracing our uniqueness and standing tall in our imperfections.

Think about it: when you remove the mask, you’re not only allowing others to see you for who you are, but you’re also giving yourself the permission to fully accept and embrace your own identity. When we take off the mask of what we think we should be, we reveal the beauty of who we truly are.

Removing the mask and showing our authentic selves requires vulnerability. Vulnerability is often misconstrued as weakness, but in reality, it’s a courageous act of strength. It’s about opening up, being honest about our struggles, and acknowledging that we’re all imperfect beings navigating a complex world. Vulnerability builds connections, fostering a sense of belonging that goes beyond superficial appearances.

Like anyone, our unhoused friends possess a deep yearning for belonging. They, too, don masks, in response to the societal prejudices they confront. The dread of facing judgment or being further marginalized only intensifies their reluctance to unveil their genuine selves. However, hidden beneath these outward personas are stories, experiences, and dreams that long to be shared. By engaging in purposeful dialogue, free from condemnation, we can collectively create an environment that allows us all to discard our masks and wholeheartedly welcome authenticity.

True belonging isn’t about conformity; it’s about authenticity. It’s about connecting with others in a way that goes beyond appearances and superficial judgments.

We invite you to attend our 2023 Masquerade Gala. We hope you will join us and even moreso, we hope you will consider how we all can embrace the spirit of unmasking – not just for a single night, but as a lifelong commitment to living authentically, fostering deep connections, and showing compassion to those who seek belonging just as fervently as you do.


“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” Brene Brown


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