At the Gas Station Intersection Friends keep graciously reaching out to me asking how our friends experiencing homelessness are faring during these difficult times. Each time I respond, I am Keep Reading
Vulnerability by Robbie Goldman “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over Keep Reading
Social Distancing :: A Preexisting Condition To many of us, social distancing is new. We’ve never been told to not hug, not hang out, not say yes to an invitation to Keep Reading
COVID-19 – A Letter from Dry Bones The letter linked below was written on March 10th. As you all know, things are changing quickly! Please visit THIS PAGE to keep up to Keep Reading
Are You a Program? What Does Success Look Like? The biggest “success” is when it is no longer possible for a young person on the streets to say, “Nobody loves or cares about me.” Dry Keep Reading